विषय वस्तु

बुधवार, 26 अक्टूबर 2011

Let us all unitedly demand justice for Jeetan Marandi and to revoke his death sentence!


The one who gave cultural expression to the pain and anguish of the working people and their struggles… who moved around with his cultural troupe from the fields, factories and mines to the villages, suburbs, and cities singing songs on peoples’ culture… he who rekindled the hopes of Hul-Ulgulan –rebellion against exploitation– for the rights over Jal-Jangal-Zameen and life among the oppressed and discriminated adivasis and the labouring people… he who filled the hearts of the people, plundered and deceived by the government, with a craving for social transformation to reclaim the right to a life of dignity, land and wellbeing… one who became the lyrical consciousness of the struggle to build a new society and a new power, the struggle of light against darkness, of the hungry against hunger…

…such an artist, Jeetan Marandi, is pronounced guilty of murder after implicating him in false cases and accusations under a well thought-out conspiracy. An innocent is condemned to death on 23 June 2011 for the crime of murder which he did not commit. The one who has always made the drum, the flute, the pen his weapon has become the target of the so-called ‘war against terror’, condemned to the gallows on the basis of trumped-up-charges and fabricated witnesses. As a peoples’ artist, he has walked the same trail in upholding peoples’ culture that was blazed by Kabir, Ravidas, Premchand and Nagarjun… He espoused the spirit and resolve of the teachings of the martyrs Sidhu-Kanu, Birsa Munda and Bhagat Singh. This is what the forces of darkness could not tolerate.

The famous peoples’-musician Shailendra wrote years back:

“Bhagat Singh, don’t take birth as Indian this time,

Even today, the punishment for loving your country is death!”

Indeed, this is what is happening with Jeetan Marandi! Because he too had ignited the flames of cultural resistance against the state machinery and the ruling-class culture that has mortgaged the people’s sovereignty, independence and democracy.

Let us be part of the mass upsurge against this grave injustice! Let us all unitedly demand justice for Jeetan Marandi and to revoke his death sentence!

An appeal from:

Dr. B. P. Kesari (Senior Writer), Sten Swamy (Human Rights Activist), Sashi Bhushan Pathak (PUCL), Anil Anshuman (Cultural artist), Prof. Ravi Bhushan (Writer), Dr. Rose Kerketta (Linguist), Dr. Shambhu Badal (Editor, ‘Prasang’), Prof. Vidya Bhushan (Writer), Meghnath (Film-maker), Nirmala Putul (Poet), Shishir Tudu (Writer), Prof. Maya Prasad (Writer), Mukund Nayak (Peoples’ Artist), Prof. Ramesh Sharan (Economist), Sudhirpal (Journalist), Prof. Mithilesh (Teachers’ Leader), Virendra (Editor, ‘Gotia’), Sitaram Sastri (Social Activist), Sanjaya Basu Mallick (Jangal Bachao Andolan), Dayamani Barla (Social Activist), , P. P. Verma (Social Activist), Arvind Avinash (Nagarik Adhikar Andolan), Xavier Kujur (JGSM), Sunil Minz (Journalist), Aloka (IPTA), K. N. Pandit (VVJVA), Damodar Turi (VVJVA), Sunita (AIPWA), Jharkhand Jan Sanskriti Manch, Jharkhand Bachao Andolan, Jangal Bachao Andolan, Jharkhand Alternative Development Forum, Trivani Singh (Editor, ‘JanJwar’), Munni Kachap, (Mahila Ulgulan Sangh), Aarti Kujur,(Member,Jila Parisad), Sambhu Mahto(CPI(ML)), Keya Dey(All India Mahila Sanskritik Sanghatan, SUCI), arun Jyoti(social activist), Sudhir Tete( social activist), Amar Kumar (Advocate, Ranchi Civil Court), Susanto Chaterji (Marxvadi Samanvay Samiti), Ahmad Rajja(Advocate,HRLN), KD Singh( CPI, Joint State Secretary), Rajdev Prasad Chandarvansi (Advocate), Hul Jharkhand Kranti Dal, Anjani Pandey (CPI(ML))



11 am – 5 pm, 12 November ’11,

Social Development Center (SDC) Hall, Purulia Road, Ranchi

Organised by

Forum for the Release of Peoples’ Artist Jeetan

Contact: Sashi Bhusan Pathak, D.T. 1070, Dhrva, Ranchi, Jhakhand, Mob. 9431364285/9939081857

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